Please help me help me start a business
- 0 Donations
- No deadline
I need your help:
Every morning I wake up happy because it feels like I realized a dream of mine: Helping my family and achieving my financial independence...
But then I realized it was all a dream...
This makes me feel so depressed, because I literally know anything I need to do to start making some money, but the only thing that blocks me is the lack of capital. I would only need $500-$1000 to do anything, but I don't have it. I have no money into my personal bank account. I tried very hard to find a job, whatever job, but I live in a small village and everything here is saturated, and I don't have any money to move away... I tried any single way to make money without investment, but I only failed with frustration. I asked my family for some money, but my family is all broke, that's why I wanna help them... And they're not letting me getting a loan because they're scared if I won't succeed paying it. Even though I'm legally allowed to do so, I promised them that I won't do this...
Can someone please help me? Like I said I don't need much...
Thank you!
- In case you can't, thank you anyway and please wish me and my family good luck..
I'm sorry if I made some mistakes, but English isn't my native language.
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