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Appeal for school bags,books for students in my community (rural)
Appeal for school bags,books for students in my community (rural)

A campaign or appeal for school children who are in need of school bags,text boo...

$0 0.00%
raised of $20,000
by Prempeh Shadrack No deadline
Emergency fund for starving haitian children
Emergency fund for starving haitian children

I am Sister Victoire Brutus, I am Religious Sister from the Congregation of the...

$0 0.00%
raised of $25,000
by Victoire Brutus 20 days left
Support him to start school and looking for sponsorship
Support him to start school and looking for sponsorship

i meet with his mother and she is very happy even she is in sad situation she to...

$0 0.00%
raised of $15,000
by Mathayo Sengori 871 days left