
Please assist me in completing my studies

by Kevan Clery
Created Sep 24, 2021 | St. Lucia
$0 raised of $9,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Pleasant good day everyone,

My name is Kevan Clery and I'm from a tiny island called Saint Lucia. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in E-BUSINESS, however, my studies cannot proceed as I can no longer afford to pay for it. I've exhausted my savings and as a result, a hold was placed on my account with the school due to financial delinquency. I have successfully completed 65% of the program and my GPA is 3.95. As such, I need your assistance to help me complete the duration of the program. Any assistance would be welcome and I appreciate you taking the time to read this extract.

Kevan Clery
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