
Stand for Education in Covid

by Reeii Education
Created Sep 28, 2020 | India
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Education is a basic essence of life for every child. COVID pandemic has infected more than 32 million people across the world. It affected all the socio-economic sectors and the education sector is not oblivious to it. Gradually, the economies are opening up but schools and colleges are still shut. The pandemic has impacted schools, students, teachers, and all others associated with the education sector. Students coming from humble backgrounds lost a safe space that provided them with equal opportunities to grow. The current COVID situation demanded a dire need for virtual learning. Students and teachers had to adapt to the ‘new normal’. Students who come from a household where the earning member of the family is a daily wage worker have been hit the most due to this big change in education. In such tough times, where families are trying to meet ends it is difficult for them to invest in the resources required for online education. According to the UN, around 94 percent of the student population has been affected by the closure of schools, which is up to 99 percent in lower-middle-income countries. Before the pandemic, schools used to provide mid-day meals to children. It decreased the load on parents and also prompted them to send their children to schools. With schools being shut, students are not getting meals and are pressured to do odd jobs. In remote areas, a Mid-day meal was also one of the motivations for parents to send their children to school, and the absence of that is depriving students of education. Ram Verma, an 8th class student of Gyan kids academy, one of the schools associated with Reeii situated in a small town of Rajasthan said “ Due to coronavirus our school is closed for the past few months and online classes have started. We only have one smartphone in the house. Earlier my father used to take it to work but now my little sister and I attend classes on it. Since both of us cannot attend school at the same time, we attend alternate lectures and get notes of missed lectures from our friends. The situation at my home is tense as my father was out of work for months during the beginning of lockdown and our expenses have also increased due to online education” Teachers form the base of education. We are all aware of the role of a teacher in a student’s life. They help in developing the brains and personality of students. Due to the pandemic, schools are not being able to support their teachers and staff and they have to let go of some teachers. Being out of work in such times is pressurizing and can lead to educators taking non-teaching jobs. Lack of sufficient teachers affects the students as well. Due to fewer teachers students have to compromise on the quality of their learning. One teacher has to take several subjects which may diminish the impact of learning. Students do not get the education they deserve and the school loses its value. It is of utmost importance to safeguard teachers as they serve the purpose of education. According to a study conducted by Central Square Foundation, almost 50% of teachers didn’t receive their salary for March despite schools closing only in mid-March Less than 20% of teachers from private schools continued to get their salaries after March. Some teachers in Telangana have found other means to earn their wages, including agriculture work, enrolling in MNREGA programs, and other manual labor. Many teachers in schools across the world have to bear the pay cut. Besides, to pay cuts they have to bear the expenses of the internet and smart devices required to conduct classes online. Schools are facing a financial crunch in these tough times. They do not have the resources to support their teachers and students. Especially, schools situated in remote areas where they were already facing issues and now pandemic has worsened the situation. The study by Central Square Foundation said, around 50% of school leaders are considering a shift in pricing models in the next year. They referred to fee deferrals/ fee discounts, pay cuts for staff, and increasing class sizes as possible ideas. The principal of Sixth Element Public School, based in a small village in Greater Noida, associated with Reeii said “ Farmer’s children and students from underprivileged backgrounds come to get an education in our school. We were doing well in providing education to students in our rural area but due to the pandemic, our school is going through the worst time. We are unable to run the school and manage finances. We are trying to avail online education for students but we don't have adequate resources to do that for a long time and with the current uncertain situation we do not know when will schools reopen.” Reeii is an initiative that has been opted by more than 3000 schools in India and millions of students are benefiting from it worldwide. Our Goal is to re-innovate education for small schools across the Globe. With several years of R&D, we have successfully developed an innovative system, the simplest way for teachers to teach smartly in the classroom. We are a team of more than 1500 teachers with a target to get 10,000 schools on board by 2021. Reeii provides live classroom sessions for all state boards and works on smart classroom or school infrastructure development, organizing events in school premises and scholarship distribution. With 10 years of dedication and efforts, we have come to the intention to deliver teaching on core conceptual topics, and for increasing the understanding level among the students in every school. We are a company that is lending a hand in promoting schools to stand on a better platform with the help of technological advancement and quality tools. We aim to help schools and students during and post the pandemic. We want to help schools by raising funds, optimizing the use of their school infrastructure by organizing various events, uplifting the school infrastructure, helping schools with technology. We are using the funds received by organizations in providing scholarships for students, arranging fun learning activities for them, providing smart devices required in this virtual age. We wish to help as many teachers as possible by providing them employment. Students will also get expertise in quality teaching which will enhance their experience of education. Overall, we want to help education in every possible way to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. REWARD
Reeii organized a scholarship program for students from class 6th to class 12th. ऋ-ward Assessment is a uniquely planned worldwide initiative to nourish young minds all across the globe and reward them with prizes, scholarships, and constant support by Reeii Education. With this program, students can get an opportunity to receive a 100% scholarship. A test will be conducted by Reeii and students securing 1st position will be awarded an educational scholarship for one year. Top 500 performers will be rewarded with educational tablets. The program will contribute to their career journeys. In these uncertain times, schools need your help more than ever. Without your support, the schools might completely shut down or the enrolment of students will decline drastically. We are reaching for a helping hand to support schools and teachers sustain in these tough times. Your support is extremely valuable to us and with more funds, we can reach more schools, students, and teachers. We will make the most of your donation and work towards uplifting all the areas of education. Your little help can make someone’s future.
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