

by Emmanuel Sosu
Created Aug 24, 2022 | Ghana
$0 raised of $15,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
In 2020, schools in Ghana were closed for nine months due to the pandemic, the number of children on the streets increased massively. Mid-year families were affected from a fire outbreak and eviction process in the slums.We responded to this with the "Back to-School Project", an "After School Programme" for the children and a one-off support of school material to those affected by the fire. 180 Children restarted schooling. 64 Children attended the «After School Program». 66 Children got a one-off support for school material. Children in the Greater Accra Region”* conducted and published by Departmentof of Social Welfare manifested a great concern about the raising numbers of street-connected children in Ghana. At the time, more than 60,000 street-connected children lived in the Greater Accra Region. They left their families in search of money and work. Over half of them were girls. The census estimated that 5% of the street children were born on the street. 40% dropped out of school, and 60% have never visited one.The population of the street-connected children is growing and the main reasons “identified for this high rate of homelessness include poverty, disintegrated families and divorce, and the quest for freedom from parental control. Lets help the life of these kids and family back on track the little way we can . Thank you
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