

by Muco Alexis
Created Nov 05, 2023 | Boseja Mochudi Botswana
$0 raised of $300,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
I, Itumeleng George, am a widow living in Boseja, Mochudi, Botswana. I have two daughters whom I live alone with. Therefore, I am both a father and a mother to my children. I am unemployed and sustain myself through small scale farming.

On the night of November 3rd 2023 I was sleeping alone in the house. At around midnight, I heard footsteps on top of the roof followed by more footsteps outside my bedroom window.

As I looked through my window, I saw someone jumping over the back fence. Panicked and unsure of what was happening, I left my room and proceeded to check the house. As I was checking the front of the house, I was alarmed by big yellow lights, although I was unsure of their source.

Looking through the house, I realized that the garage was on fire. Bravely, I went to the garage myself and found my car engulfed by flames.

With the help of neighbours and good samaritans. We managed to put out the fire before it could spread to the rest of the house. Unfortunately, we lost the car, a Nissan Dualis, and sustained massive damage to the garage.

Initial police reports indicate that this was an arson attack with the intent to burn the whole house down. My own personal beliefs are that this was a direct attack on my life.

Batswana betsho, ke wetswe ke seru and ke kopa kemo nokeng le di thuso tsa lona. Koloi e e sheleng ke yone e ntshidisang ka go rekisa merogo ka yone. Ga e shele yaana ga ke na letseno lepe.

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