

by Kabuk Domini
Created Jan 03, 2023 | Uganda
$0 raised of $2,000 goal 0.00%
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  • No deadline
Kabuke Dominic is organizing this fundraising. Words from Dominic. DOMINIC is the director of Excell High School..Iam fundraising for classroom computers and projectors to help my students acquire computer skills. They have never touched a computer and thus are underprivileged in this digital era. I started Excel High School With the aim to provide holistic affordable education services to underprivileged students in my community. The school is located in Uganda on the lowlands of Mt. Rwenzori in Kasese Municipality. Our major income generating source would be school fees but it is still very small and is paid in bits because most of the students have poor financial backgrounds. Most of them don’t pay in time and even default school fees. The end result, it becomes hard for me to provide to them what is necessary for their classroom learning in its fullness. For this reason therefore, I decided to start a crowdfundraising to seek help of $ 2,000, to help me equip classrooms with computers and projectors for each class to help in ICT-Integration in classroom lessons to make learning live to students. Here most students don’t know how to use a computer and I don’t want this to continue like that. I have a school with147 students, 40 Form I, 36 form II, 38 form III, and 33 form IV. As a school owner, and starting from scratch I wish the best for my students but can’t necessarily afford. I believe I have the power to make a difference through your heartfelt contributions. I hope to create a change when the term begins in february 2023 and inspire these students. During my entire school life, I have been a student of financial hardships and I know what it is being a poor student. I think back to life how people poured into my life with their generosity, mentorship and scholarships and I wonder how I would be if Almighty God of the needy and poor did sent such people to make a person Iam today. Mvule trust UK made the person am today. It brings me to tears when I see students with same hardships I went through during my life and this prompts me to seek for ways to help them. You can make a brand new change in the classrooms of these students and make a life changing impact. If you have any laptop or projector still in good working condition and you wish to donate to us ,feel free to contact me where you are so that I can arrange to receive it through any carrier service- WhatsApp me on +256 700138125. From the bottom of my heart I humbly request you to share this Campaign With your friends and family as many times as you can. Share on social media. or e-mail the link to friends, workmate, family. Thank you for being willing to help me make a change. With Gratitude; I remain: KABUKE DOMINIC.
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