
For friend and her child with Special Need

by Marko Radosavljevic
Created Nov 25, 2022 | Austria
$0 raised of $10,000 goal 0.00%
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My friend was left with 3 child on STREET because their father left them ,they dont have money to rent apartment, mother is also sick ,she need to go on BIOPSY, plus she is taking care about child who is with special needs and she is not able to work.Their father just vanish from them .Letting them to starve and freeze. This is alredy happened few months .Child with special needs have extra diagnoses, he need grow hormones, he is behind his accrual years ,he is 13 and he act like he is 4 .Mother is desperate, please...please...let me help this family to have only what's necessary for normal life .Mother of kids cant get any help from nobody, because her vanished husband dont give her divorce and he do not reply on her emails, or she know where he is what country. Please how much you can donate, means a lot to them.Let we move this family from STREET and let we help this poor child to be better, how much he can be better.
God is giving back good things to good people who help people who are really in need,this family hit all bad stuff at once ,lacking of medicine for that sick child ,so he often now get and epilepsy attacks, what cose sometimes to his little heart stop and on the way to hospital or in hospital they reanimated him so many times,he was on intesive care so many times.He used diapers long time,he didnt talk long time.He was able only to point finger on what he want and let strange sound out ..practically saying I want that.He didnt and dont walk good he have poor muscle tone and one leg how I understand have shorter ligaments. When their mother was getting money from their father, she gave all so her son be better and she did have success, all with hard work with so many doctors and therapy and therapists. She never didnt gave up on him .IT WAS SO EASTER FOR THEIR FATHER TO GO AND DONT LOOK ,DEAL AND JUST FORGET. Anyway ...he never didnt involved self in therapy ,when was MUST BE BOTH PARENTS INCLUDED. He put mother of kids in win win situation for him ,getting money on KIDS because he is from United states and mother never asked their passport or for KIDS passport, because she never thinks of herself and situation ,that KIDS father will do this to OWN kids after being married almost 17 years .So now mother and KIDS, are HURTING practically no help from nobody ,only because she cant divorce and THEY BELONG TO NO MANS LAND .
PLEASE HELP me to help this child and his siblings and their mothers. They are really family in desperate need.
  • Thank you for reading one just one little part of my goal to help my friend and her kids .Its end of November it's cold outside, they need apartment, clothes, food,medical treatments, medicine .Mother dont have bank account and I got idea to do by my self campaign to raised money.

Thank you from my heart.
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