Non Profit

Donate to support Slum football

by Albet Focus Initiative
Created Sep 02, 2022 | Uganda
$0 raised of $5,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Uganda is a country located in East Africa, faced with many problems such as poverty, diseases like malaria, lack of employment, lack of proper education, teenage pregnacies, high rate of crime and lack of basic needs and proper housing. Albet Focus Initiative limited is a locally based organization that was founded by a group of young men and women to help provide and deliver basic services to the children in the slums through football

Football for transformation and peace

Football/Soccer can transform a community. Using football for development, we engage more than 150 children in the slums. True football program provide free coaching, competition, and life-skills to most vulnerable children. The aim of our centers in the slums is to introduce children to structured football to help transform slum living kids into educated leaders by building character and life skills, helping them overcome or avoid social issues. Football has the capability to influence democratic practices through team building and leadership exercises; academic performance owing to the fact that physically active children do better at school; health and wellness; and, foster social inclusion for ethnically diverse population. Each child benefits from participation, competition, and recreation through locally organized slum football tournaments. By providing them with a platform to interact, grow, and influence each other, football for development creates stronger communities.

Long-Term Impact Community based sport goes a long way to keep children involved in healthy physical activity and become better citizens. Many children find their confidence through playing a team sport and take initiatives to change their communities for the better. Young girls who play will advocate for more girls participation; adolescents who excel become role models within their communities; and parents and spectators get involved in community events. When our children play, we all overcome. The money donated shall go along way to purchase playing kits including jerseys, first aid kits, boots, bibs, transport for matches, lunch for the children. These will in turn help support raise the numbers of children reached and lives touched through slum football for transformation and a better life
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