
For my dreams and future9

by Angela Magallanes Badang
Created Aug 10, 2022 | Philippines
$0 raised of $1,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
I am a rape victim it happened 12 years ago i was very young I was suicidal. I got hit by a car and got minor injuries including my tooth. Which is now very disfigured. Up until now i kept everything for myself. Last 2019 I got deppressed I stopped contacting my parents didnt go out of my room and cried day and night i kept getting nightmares. I dropped out and up until now No one knows what happened to me. I am still reconciling with my family after What ive done. And now I want to move on I want to continue my studies but my family is poor we cant afford two people in college please help me. I want to get help from professionals to overcome the trauma but its to expensive. Please help me graduate and move on
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