
Help me continue with My education.

by Enock Wayongo
Created Aug 02, 2022 | Mombasa, Kenya.
$0 raised of $7,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Help me continue and finish My education. After finishing secondary school I couldn't make it to join college due to lack of support from my family. My parents could not afford to pay my college fee due to poverty. I tried to seek help from other people but could not raise anything to kickstart my college journey. I later opted to move around working as a general labourer for people hoping to get some money for the same goal but due to low payment, I couldn't make it. It is now nine years since I began this struggle...
Kindly help me persue my favorite course of Nursing.
The admission letter sent from the college upon My application is still here with me.
There are no donations
  • Fee structure required

  • The admission letter i received from the college

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