
A better future with Non-Formel Education

by Yassine Tilouche
Created Jul 27, 2022 | Tunis
$0 raised of $2,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hi, I m a Tunisian Youth always obtaining to get more knowledge and discover more and more, and as I m an eager person to learn as I always want to share that knowledge, So I m a Trainer in Tunisia where I create sessions for Tunisian teenagers around the country on soft skills and knowledge in order of developing young people. And for that I should devolp my own skills in delivering, and here where this Fundraising campaign take place where i m trying to collect funds to attend an international conference for trainers in a foreign country to help me developing my skills and return to tunisia to help kids and teengers with trainings
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