
Help me keep studying

by João Marcelo
Created Jul 21, 2022 | Brazil
$0 raised of $500 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
I'm a Brazilian student, I'm doing physics in college. I study in the 3rd best university in Brazil for free, I don't pay anything because I'm an A student. But unfortunately the university is far away from my family's city, and this make things a little harder. I have to rent a room to live in the university city, I have to pay bills and etc. My family is poor and can't help me a lot. Right now I have 3 energy bills late, 1 internet bill late, my rent is late, and I have debt in my credit cards that came from my expenses with food, transport, etc.
I have fight a lot to be where I am right now. I studied hard since middle school, I started work early and save money but all the money I save has end. The pandemic put Brazil in the misery again, things are very hard here. I tried to find a job, but I can't find any. I tried to aplly to teach online, because I'm studying to be a teacher, but I don't find anything. I tried to find some jobs as a translator, creating subtitles for videos, writing scripts, I tried to find jobs with all my skills but I just can't find anything. I'm trying, I keep fighting. All I want is to finish my studies. But if I can't pay my bills I'll have to leave the college before finish it and I don't know what to do after. If you can donate any amount, I would be eternally grateful to you. If you can give me a job oportunity, I would be eternally grateful as well. All I want is to finish my graduation, all I did in my life until now, all the hard work, everything was to achieve this objective: to get my graduation in physics. I fighted hard, but right now seems that all my efforts will be lost because I can't pay my bills for my own and I can't find a job to help me paying my bills. Please, help me to achieve my dream and finish my graduation. I'm here to give you any explanations you need. I can show you all my achievments to proof you I'm a good student and I fight hardly for it. I can show you my late bills, I can give you any explanations you want. Please, I just need some help in this hard moment.
I really hope I can find help, achieve my dream, and help other people in the future.
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