
Help me build my at home small business

by Aundrea motes
Created Jul 03, 2022 | Princeton KY
$0 raised of $500 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hi! My name is Aundrea. I am a 41 year old mother of 4 on disability. Not quite a year ago I had the Idea to start a little at home business providing handwriting services for cards, letters and envelopes for businesses that wanted to provide a personal touch to their advertisements and mail outs. I have had a couple of clients but I want to do more. Currently we are living with friends but my goal is to make enough money to provide a home for my family. But I need the start uponey to purchase supplies such as envelopes, cards, pens and paper and I am also in desperate need of a printer and ink. I currently have to pay to have the address lists that I am to write out printed and some can be 10-25 pages long and I don't have a car so I even have to provide gas money for a ride to take me to staples to have them printed and it's a big added expense. The money I have made so far has been such a blessing but I know I could do so much more if I had the supplies and be able to get the business going and back up on my feet again. All in all it's about $500 to get the supplies I need to create a turn around. If I could just get help with getting these supplies I could get it started. Please help with anything you can, however much you can. Any amount is a blessing. I'm turning orders away because I don't have a ride to the printer or the supplies to work with. I would be so grateful to be able to raise this money. Thank you for taking the time to read my request and God Bless!
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