

by Martin
Created May 09, 2022 | Hrvatska
$0 raised of $10,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Pozdrav dobri ljudi!

Glupo mi je na ovakav nacin moliti za donaciju ali ja nemam drugog izbora..naime imam predivnu i predobru djevojku koju ne zelim izgubiti u svojem zivotu,jer ako ju izgubim izgubio sam sve u zivotu. Da prijedem na stvar, ja kao ja nisam imao bas dobar zivot do sada..naime roditelju su mi se rastali u mojoj adolescentskoj dobi te nisam bas imao nekakvu potporu u zivotu te sam krenio krivim putem...ulozio sam dosta novaca u dionice da bih te dionice sve propale i sada moram taj novac vratiti banci ali ja taj novac nemam..pa bih molil dobre ljude da mi pomognu da skupim taj novac jer bi mi na taj nacin bar malo bilo lakse..jer u protivnom cu morati reci djevojci da nastavi dalje sama jer ne zelim da ona ispasta zbog mojih gluposti...ali ja nju volim vise od icega i zato vas molim da mi pomognete..jer je ona jedino sto imam :( nadam se da ce ljubav pobijediti
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  • Hello good people!

    It is stupid of me to beg for a donation in this way, but I have no other choice ... namely, I have a beautiful and very good girl that I do not want to lose in my life, because if I lose her, I have lost everything in life. To get to the point, I, like me, haven't had a very good life so far ... namely, my parents divorced in my adolescence and I didn't really have any support in my life, so I went the wrong way ... I invested a lot of money in stocks to I would lose all those shares and now I have to return the money to the bank but I don't have that money..so I would ask good people to help me raise that money because that would make it a little easier for me..because otherwise I will have to tell the girl to continue on her own because I don't want her to fall out because of my nonsense ... but I love her more than anything and that's why I'm asking you to help me..because she's all I have :( I hope love wins

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