

by Mary Grace Garcia
Created May 09, 2022 | Philippines
$0 raised of $5,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Everyday is a challenges, failure is always part of Learning but making it a HABIT is not common. We are not perfect but always willing to try and learn but what if despite of the courage, most will just hold you so you cant stand. And still push because of those individual who always stay and give their support. Hope that I can COUNT ON YOU a simple way of sharing the Blessings you have even a small amout will really make an.important and significant remark in building and making a new start for me and my Family, i really believe that everyone of us specially its 2022 who faces a lot struggles really learned and only want to have a peaceful and harmonious community and relationship hope that you could be part of it. Thank you in advance and May God always shower you with all the blessings and Good Health.


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