
Donate to Help 70 Amputees in Yemen

by Rami Alkubati
Created May 04, 2022 | Yemen
$0 raised of $140,000 goal 0.00%
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The amputees in Yemen live in extremely difficult humanitarian, physical and psychological conditions, after being hit by mines, some of whom have lost movement and are living with artifical limbs. Others find it very difficult to obtain the necessary artificial limbs because of their difficult living conditions in Yemen_ one of the world's worst humanitarian and economic crises, where most of the 30 million people depend on assistance.

Thousands of people need prosthetic services because of the high number of persons with disabilities due to the planting of more than 2 million landmines by the conflicting parties throughout the country. Also, vast quantities of unexploded remnants of cluster munitions and bombs, and remain lurking here and there threatening the lives and safety of innocent people. Planting landmines has resulted in the death and injury of thousands of civilian women and children living in highly vulnerable areas. Poverty and violence have also multiplied this group's vulnerability and suffering .

I have personally visited Ali Alwan Saeed al-Dharafi, one of the amputees, who made me really sad when he told me about his suffering from a mine that turned his life into a tragedy. Ali was hit with a landmine while grazing his sheep in a rural area in Taiz city called Al-Wazia Village after he was trampled directly into the mine. His right foot was amputated as a result of the mine's explosion, and his left foot was also injured.

Ali says he suffered a lot from this sudden injury and felt very upset. His life worsened unbearably as his children were also affected by his injury because he could no longer work. Now, Ali needs to have alternative artificial leg with 69 of people, who were also mined in Taiz, including 14 men, 25 women and 30 children.

The mines planted in Yemen have become one of the worst tragedies for the war-torn country in nearly 8 years and according to reports from international and local organizations, Yemen has witnessed the largest landmine planting in the Earth since the end of the Second World War.

In addition to physical damage, amputees in Yemen in general, and in Ta 'izz in particular, are in difficult situations and are exposed to psychological effects as a result of their injuries to mines planted by the warring parties in Yemen.

Due to the lack of support for this vulnerable group and the conditions they are experiencing in the country, I am asking all people around the world for kind donations to help 30 children, 25 women and 15 men from amputees in Yemen's Ta'izz city. We are in contact with them and are trying to make sure they can be restored by providing alternative artificial limbs at this stage.

Our goal is to raise $140,000 USD to buy and install alternative artificial limbs for 70 people in the Yemeni city of Ta 'iz within the next five months. We hope that we will be able to help at least 500 people in the near future and continue to support amputees throughout the country, especially those in extremely difficult human, physical and psychological conditions.

Donate whatever you can to help 30 children, 25 women and 15 men of amputees in Yemen's Taiz .

If you are hesitant in making donations and want to reach amputees yourself by contacting them directly and making donation you can contact me or Taiz Artificial Limbs Center.

I hope that I have communicated this suffering across using my simple English:)

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

Written by Rami Alkubati
A social worker in Yemen
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