
Save the children

by Med Ilyass
Created Apr 25, 2022 | Morocco
$0 raised of $4,000,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Despite the fact that Morocco is well known for its hospitality, its luxurious spots in Marrakech or Tangiers, and top of the notch cuisine. Some regions suffer from extreme poverty, where children have no schools in their region, no medical centers, and worse, not even cozy clothes that can protect them from the cold days, our mission is to create a medical center and a school funded by generous people and supervised by us, and spread clothes to the maximum amount of people possible. Please help us make this dream a reality. 1 dollar each, 4 million people. Wouldn't make a difference in your wallet, but would make great difference in many lives.
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