
School fees

by Umar
Created Feb 19, 2022 | North Cyprus
$0 raised of $7,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
PhoneMy name is Umar Abdullahi Baba and I am an orphan, I lost my Dad in 2020 and before his death he wanted the best for me particularly my education and before he died I was in my final year at Cyprus international university (north Cyprus) so after his death a friend of his decided to sponsor me to round up my education now that I am through with my first semester, and I have just two semesters to finish he has changed his mind for reasons I don’t know . I am stranded here and I am appealing to this foundation to kindly help me with my school fees by paying directly to my school as attached. May God reward you for looking into this problem of mine. 905338615217
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