

by 100 Projects
Created Feb 05, 2022 | South Africa
$0 raised of $7,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hundred projects is a very small NPO from South Africa Soweto Zola2 1868 Saul Biyana Street It consists of 100% blackboard of directors Daniel Phiri -Njabulo Victor Mthembu Lindokuhle majola it was established early 2019 with an aim of improving Socio-Economic-Issue within the communities such as Drug abuse, Afternoon (School programs) and improving unemployment. - The NPO has engaged in a lot of programs such as the Soweto Festival Expo, let's clean the Street, and Stop abuse of drugs use called nyaope program. These programs really impacted lot in much young youth who participated in all of these programs, they have the ability to take care of their own Environment by avoiding littering and collecting waste in exchange for cash and these festivals help them to unleash their talents because they are given an opportunity to enter for performance any type of performance no matter the race, gender or disability is welcome to enter and perform in stage live.

Our desire is to have well stable NPO program which is willing to help anyone from anywhere around the world who seek counseling and advise whether with or without academic records with the containers we going to use for internet access it will able them to search for vacancies and do academic research.

ALSO, Skills development of youth projects in music industry,Media industry , acting classes ,camera operator skills in broadcasting ,Kasi to Kasi fundraising campaign competitions in various projects ,like soccer, netball ,basket ball, rugby, cycling , skateboard ,arts and craft and music jam sessions,Youth innovative projects ,Publicity and public relations project , Promotions campaign ,youth music festival , franchise problem projects ,youth media conference ,youth leadership ,youth Kasi films ,youth brand promotion,Job creation for youth ,youth start up business loans , equipment for recycling and vehicle for recycling keep Soweto township clean ,clean up projects ,small business and vendors projects ,youth conference ,youth volunteers ,youth events and festivals ,youth fundraising shows ,school fundraising projects,sound for performance equipment,lights,stage ,mobile performing truck ,youth job creation, homeless youth ,youth school fees campaign ,skilled youth fundraising projects ,youth Pregnancy Clothing campaign for youth , donation for youth in Soweto, equipment for youth projects , computers for schools , marketing strategy ,brand creation ,skills development in video editing and music recording ,music industry in general and TV in general ,talent scouting and placement , management, adult hood skills development on youth ,new development ,in logistics and infrastructure , security VIP,gaming machines for youth , projection ,events volunteers ,projects management, creative ground promoters on any brand.

Office computers and internet and equipment of our own will able us to save cost rather than hiring equipment for program purposes like the fundraising festival that allow small business and vendors to participate in selling their and showcasing their different product like Food and drink beverages, clothes and different types of accessories this opportunity allows small entrepreneurs to grow their market and network their business in a wider scale.

The organization is seeking financial assistance in order to expand the project as it only accommodates a few candidates due to a lack of resources and funds.

we will need your help and support from any part of the world for this NP0 100 PROJECT

Yours Sincere
There are no donations
  • we will help and build up my kids and let them use their talent to monetize

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