
Help Syrian Students To Go Back To School

by Ahmed Husein
Created Jan 01, 2022 | Northwest Syria
$0 raised of $50,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline

In coordination with volunteering teams in Northwest Syria and in response to the needs and gaps in teaching, mental health and GBV services, Infinity Initiative [i]aims, through this project, at operating at least two none-supported schools with integration of other services protection, mental health /case management and GBV.

Atmah / Qah camps
Total catchment population, all of IDPs, 2,430,869 who live in 1293 camps.

Direct beneficiaries:
+ 290 girls and boys under 18 in Atemah and Qah camps.

Expected outputs and activities:

Output 1.1 A school has been constructed and well-prepared to provide teaching, mental health, GBV and protection services
Activity 1.1.1 Constructing portable, scalable classrooms to serve Syrian students in informal refugee camps)): 4 classrooms, one Child friendly space, one for administration and CFS space in addition to two separated WCs (for girls and boys) within three months.

As the preparation takes about three months, staff salaries and other running costs have been calculated for 9 months except for the project coordination team who will be responsible and accountable for the project from initiation to close out / extension.

Output 1.2 Identifying short term and long-term capacity measures in order to improve the quality of education in the situation of growing diversity in the 21st century vs crisis recovery

Activity 1.2.1 conduct TRT training package for 13 teachers and facilitators

Output 1.3 Address issues of violence and conflict prevention through preparing school children for responsible citizenship and working life and respond to the demands of diverse inclusive societies.
Activity 1.3.1 Purchase 190 school kits for the registered school children
Activity 1.3.2 Conduct the educational and other integrated activities
Activity 1.3.3 Provide the school with running costs

Project closure: Award the "A" students through a public incident

Future phases and Sustainability:
Sustainability means the ability to exist continuously. It focuses on meeting present needs while ensuring the needs of future generations can be met as well.
" Learning must prepare students and learners of all ages to find solutions for the challenges of today and the future. Education should be transformative and allow us to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change our societies and care for the planet." Quoted from an article by UNESCO " Education for Sustainable Development".

Since the current project needs at least three months of preparation, so we studied the project just for one school year. Next phases will be handled in details later in monthly / quarterly / final reports.
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