
covid-19 childrens are starving -20 children

by Upendra Nepali
Created May 06, 2020 | kathmandu Nepal
$0 raised of $100,000 goal 0.00%
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  • No deadline
hi,my name is Upendra Nepali ,my parents were dead because of the illness & the accident and when i was a child.i was just about 4 to 5 years old at the time ,when i was an orphan.
Antonio Crivellone
Rita Crivellone are my god parents who made me up to this age.today i am 33 years old and started supporting the orphans exactly the way i have had experienced.
with my own experienced and the knowledge,we have made this organization called " Crivellone Social Organization Nepal " to help and supports orphans,with the educations,medicals supports,shelter,foods,clothing,and life insurance for the children's.being myself orphans ,i really pay sympathy The primary mission of The Orphanage Project is providing the orphaned, destitute, outcast, unloved, needy, sick, handicapped and/or dying persons, with a home, love, happiness, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nourishment, the highest level of education possible, and a hope for a bright future.

The vision of The Orphanage Project is to one day have a self-sustaining community consisting of a children’s home, orphanage, school, university, training center, women’s shelter, elderly person’s home, place of worship, hospital, library, park, play fields, technology center, shops, and other facilities that help a community to succeed. Our vision is to one day establishing such communities all over the world.
Update On COVID-19

More than five weeks into Nepal’s lockdown, it seems like everyone has entered a new personal phase of coping. People are tired of this dragging on and are growing quiet; the enthusiasm and lightness which once was in phone or personal conversations is leaking away. There is a sense that people are sleepwalking through this thing now.
The government is sending conflicting messages, but the immigration department said we will open Thursday on a limited basis, then the borders will open on May 13th, and international flights will resume on May 15th. This remains posted on the immigration department’s webpage. But then Mrs. Pandey informed us that the number of coronavirus cases tripled in the last couple of days. It seems most of these are centered in a town near the Indian border and are purported to be the cause of a group who came across an unchecked border crossing to attend a Temple where they wished to worship. The veracity of any of this is hard to determine. In conjunction with this news is that India has added two more weeks to their proposed re-awakening, so it is a fair guess that Nepal will do the same. Otherwise, fruits and vegetables remain available at our few shops sprinkled upon the road leading to where we are unallowed to venture.

After days of rain the sun made a brilliant appearance in Dhapasi, then quick as a magician’s wand the deeply grey clouds vanished, and the surrounding mountains were seen in crystal clearness. Nourishment for the soul it is.

A good story will feature the arrival home of our children along with the seven young girls who will be coming to us as soon as the country re-opens. Meanwhile, we are grateful for your support and we wish you all your own clear skies, and the absence of loss during these challenging times.

Thank you for your donations!

"CRIVELLONE social organisation Nepal "receives no government support and relies on the contributions of individuals sharing our mission to provide for the welfare of children in Nepal who are rescued from slavery, orphaned, abandoned, or otherwise not supported by their parents.

Please help support our children by making a donation in any amount on our

"Crivellone Social Organization Nepal”

Budhanilakantha Kathmandu Nepal Municipality

​Bank Name: Kumari Bank Limited Kathmandu Nepal

Bank Account No: 0670047251700002

Account Name:Crivellone Social Organization Nepal

Bank Swift/Bic:KMBLNPKA

Our Vision

Vision and Mission Statement

The primary mission of The Orphanage Project is providing the orphaned, destitute, outcast, unloved, needy, sick, handicapped and/or dying persons, with a home, love, happiness, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nourishment, the highest level of education possible, and a hope for a bright future.

The vision of The Orphanage Project is to one day have a self-sustaining community consisting of a children’s home, orphanage, school, university, training center, women’s shelter, elderly person’s home, place of worship, hospital, library, park, play fields, technology center, shops, and other facilities that help a community to succeed. Our vision is to one day establishing such communities all over the world.

Goals and Objectives

The Orphanage Project’s primary objective is to meet the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of orphaned and/or destitute children by providing them with love, care, nourishment, guidance, and the highest level of education so that they can grow to be valued members of society with a promising future and a memorable past.

The Orphanage Project also aims to provide all of the children of Nepal with the highest level of education and guidance, so they can grow to be assets to their community and so that they can compete competitively for jobs, admissions and placement upon graduation. The Orphanage Project aims to not only cater to children’s mental needs, but to provide a complete package, by catering to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the children as well.

Another goal of The Orphanage Project is to provide disabled persons with the requisite therapy, training, and care and love so they can overcome the social limitations placed on them because of their disability and achieve their goals and dreams. The Orphanage Project also aims to educate the general public about disabilities in an attempt to destroy the many myths and stereotypes about disabilities rampant in the community.

The Orphanage Project also seeks to aid outcast, battered and widowed men and women by providing them with an accepting environment, love, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual nourishment, jobs, training and the power to step into the outside world and accomplish their goals and dreams, putting their past behind them.

Yet another aim of The Orphanage Project is to provide destitute or needy elderly persons with a clean, safe, comfortable and loving environment, in which to spend their golden years in dignity.

The organization also has the goal of providing sick individuals with the highest level of love, care and medical attention available. Also, The Orphanage Project seeks to provide the terminally ill with whatever is necessary so that they may spend their last days with dignity.

The Orphanage Project aims to provide all persons with training and access to the latest technology, concepts, and ideas as well as time-tested traditions and ideas so that they can successfully compete in the global economy.

to build the house for the orphans ,since we have been living in the rented land,where we build the aluminum temporary house for the the children


The first step in achieving the goals and visions of The Orphanage Project is to build a children’s home, residential and day school and a place of worship on the campus. The children will attend the residential and day school on the campus.

The residential and day school will begin as a primary school for all children, not only the children living in the children’s home. The school will provide the highest level of education. As funds are made available, and upon the success of the school, the school will be expanded to provide secondary education as well as training centres and eventually a full university, the hope is that one day the school will be self-supporting and also produce funds to support the other goals of The Orphanage Project.

The place of worship will cater to the spiritual needs of those living on and off the campus.

Eventually, the children’s home will be expanded to provide for the facilities of a traditional orphanage, where attempts will be made to place “adoptable” children with suitable loving families.The home for the elderly will be established early on. The children in the home will be paired with “grandparents” in order to provide the children with some semblance of family.The organization then will expand to meet its other goals by providing the appropriate facilities.The organization will also publish books, pamphlets and other materials as it sees fit, both in print and on the internet or using other technology. Sound recording and movie production will also be media used by the organization to meet its goals and to fulfil its mission.

Introduction: In our project area number of Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street Children & under Privileged are found. The problem of orphan / street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of deserted / widowed / divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, Unwanted pregnancy of Trafficking / Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti-social, criminal activities. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection in our Nepali Foundation Trust.

Our Mission: Mainstreaming the Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street children in the national building by providing care, support & protection through shelter, food, and education & medicals facilities is our mission.

The Project – An Overview: In spite of planned development and special provision for accelerated socio-economic development of neglected/disadvantaged sections, the issue of orphan, semi orphan and street children is not properly addressed. In our project area many Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street Children are found. The problem of orphan / street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Due to the Deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of Deserted / Widowed / Divorce women, Absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, Unwanted pregnancy of Trafficking / Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti-social, criminal activities. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection in our Nepali Foundation Trust. The project proposed in this scheme is meant for additional support to run the orphan children home.

Summary this orphanage home aims to provide care, support and protection for 40 orphan & street children. This home has 3 Care Takers, One Teacher, One Vocational instructor, one cook, one attendant, one watchman. A doctor is conducting health check-up & providing medicines. All the inmates are being provided with 3 time’s nutritious food, one set of books and 4 sets of uniforms and regular dresses. Every child has opportunity for indoor and out-door recreation and play facilities along with training in crafts and hobbies what is the issue, problem, or challenge? The problem of orphan/ street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Recent floods in our area aggravated the situation further. Due to the Deaths of AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of Widowed/ Divorce women, Absence of love and security, Unwanted pregnancy of Sexually exploited girls; these orphan & street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing & participating in anti-social, criminal activities. How will this project solve this problem? We have been identifying orphans & street children, pre-viewing, counselling & providing Lodging and boarding facilities for all inmates. We are arranging teaching facilities in nearby schools & providing home tuitions, health check-up, medicines, cosmetics, one set of books & 2sets of uniform every year. This proposal covers 50 orphans & street children. Every child is being provided with nutritional diet, indoor & outdoor recreation and play facilities and training in crafts and hobbies. Potential Long Term Impact This project has potential & impact full in main streaming of orphans & street children. Their basic needs are met & they will get new life through gaining knowledge, vocational skills & life skills. They will get love & affection as if their parents provides. Their confidence level will increase & become good asset to the community. They are developed physically & psychologically & made as good & productive citizens. They will inspire by philanthropy & show humanity towards the community. Project Message being inmate of this orphanage, i regained my birth. I obtained nutritious food, quality education & resourceful life. I got love & affection through my colleagues & organisers in the orphan home. - Renukanjali, Orphan

Beneficiary Project Objectives: • To provide orphan / semi orphan / street children, a childhood that they never experienced and help them to become useful members of the society. • To encourage orphan / semi orphan / street children to kindle their potential by providing creative opportunities • To make available a secure place where orphan / semi orphan / street children can play and enjoy their childhood. • To provide basic education to orphan / semi orphan / street children. • To provide such welfare services like free lodging, boarding, health and recreation • To provide basic literacy and facilities for those who wish to study further • To select and prepare for a vocation in order to live on their own legs • To accomplishing physical, intellectual and aesthetic development of the child Project Activities: • Identification of orphan / semi orphan / street children • Pre-view of the incoming orphan / semi orphan / street children problem/difficulties • Emotional acceptance of the child • Teaching facilities for basic education • Teaching facilities for vocational courses and crafts. • Lodging and boarding facilities for all inmates. • Recreational facilities. • Primary health.

Methodology: We have been identifying orphan / semi orphan / street children through our volunteers, citizens, police, women & child welfare department. We Pre-view of the incoming orphan / semi orphan / street child problems/difficulties. We counsel and arrange for Emotional acceptance of the orphan / semi orphan / street child. We provide Lodging and boarding facilities for all inmates at a rented building in Budhawarpet of the Kurnool city. We arranged teaching facilities in nearby schools according to their age. We also provide home tuitions, recreation and health care. We have been running the Orphanage with local donations and contributions only. We mobilizing both cash and kind. We have limited resources to take care of about 50 orphan / semi orphan / street children. But, day by day number of children are increasing due to various reasons. We need additional support from the donors and philanthropists to meet the needs of increasing orphan / semi orphan / street children in our center. We seek support for about 3 years. Meanwhile, we will sustain to mobilze continuos local donations through exhibiting our good work and service. We are planning to build permanent home by aquiring land from the donors and philanthropists. This home will have one Care Taker who besides handling day-to-day administration and will look after the hostel as warden. One Teacher, One vocational instructor, One cook, One attendant, One Watchman will be provided for the home. A doctor will be appointed as Center Medical Attendant on honorarium and all the inmates will be provided with health check-up, medicines, food, cosmetics, one set of books and two sets of uniform every year. The proposal covers 50 orphans. Every child will be provided with nutritional diet, indoor and out-door recreation and play facilities and training in crafts and hobbies. Impact analysis: The project will be monitored at regular intervals through a “Project Advisory Committee (PAC)” constituted with the President of the organization as convener/member secretary. Authorities from the Funding Agency, Local District Administration etc., will be nominated as members to the project advisory committee. This committee would meet periodically once in 3 months and advise on various aspects concerning implementation of project and review of the programs/activities undertaken.

The Project Advisory Committee will also review the accounts and audited statements. Cost Tables for Orphanage for Abandoned Orphan Children

· Particulars Amt Rs. Amt in the currency is in rupee Breakfast Rs.10 x 150=Rs.1550 per day x 12M 18600

· Lunch Rs.200 x 10=Rs.2000 per day x 12M 24000

· Dinner Rs.350*10 = Rs.3500 per day x 12M 42000

· Educational Material Support for Academic Year Rs.11000*10= 110000 per year

· Up to grade 12 will be our responsibility

· After the schoolings vocational trainings will be implemented

· Health Care and medicines per annum Rs.4500 x 10= 45000 per month =45000*12=540000

· annually Snacks Biscuits, dry nuts /fruits like banana, oranges Rs.2500 per month x 12 months 300000

· Toiletry Kits Washing, detergent soaps, hair oil Rs.5000*10=50000 annually

· Salaries for the 3 staff baby sittings/cook/loundary,bus drop and pickup=187000

· Emergency medical treatment rs 100000

· According USA Dollar over all expenses will be 12,900 $ annually

· Entertainment for the children will monthly basis 10000 rupee

· House maintenance rupee 50000 annually

· Life insurance for each children every six months 64000 rupee

Future projects


We have been planning to set up a Polytechnic institute to facilitate a better future for the orphan children after their basic schooling. Sivananda Ashram plans to set up a polytechnic institute with various departments/across various fields enabling the children to qualify in a field/trade they are interested in. This will help children obtain technical qualifications in mechanical, civil, electrical, electronics, computer science and other such areas, which will help them during their job hunt in the corresponding field. Besides helping the 300+ orphan children of “Crivellone Social Organization Nepal”

this project will also help thousands of other orphan children in the state. We propose to set up the required plant and machinery, construct the building and get recognition from the government as early as possible. We hope to start the Sivananda Saraswathi Sevashram polytechnic institute within the next couple of years.

Computer Training Centre:

Importance of Information Technology/Computer Technology is increasing exponentially in India. Even villages in our country are slowly developing in this field. Infrastructure such as access to Internet etc have increased dramatically. Given the circumstances, in order to have the children in our orphanage well-qualified in the filed of computers, we plan to start a Computer Training Centre. This center also will not only cater to the needs of the kids of Sivananda Orphanage but will help the orphan children coming from various organizations in the State of Tamilnadu. We require at least 50 computers to start this Computer Training Center.

School for Deaf and Dumb:

“Crivellone Social Organization Nepal”has received numerous requests to start a school for Deaf and Dumb children. We have had to deny admission to many deaf/dumb children in our schools because we do not have the necessary infrastructure to take care of these special kids currently. Despite a possible nominal grant of Rs. 36/- per child per month from the Government for this cause, we require additional finance and resources to construct the building, to set up additional infrastructure etc. If finance and resources are available, we will be very happy to start a deaf and dumb school very soon.

Service to blind, spastic, and mentally challenged:

We are eager to start this project especially because we have been unable to admit a number of such special children and adults who have wanted our help in the past. Taking care of these children needs additional help and additional monetary aid. Monetary aid from donors will help us set up the necessary infrastructure to house these special kids and also employ the additional help required to look after these kids.

“Crivellone Social Organization Nepal” Arts College without Donation Fee:

Today, education is highly commercialized. The rich and affluent can afford the initial fees required for an admission to a college. However, in the 400+ orphanages run by various voluntary organizations throughout the State of Tamilnadu, thousands of orphan children graduate from higher secondary education every year. These children do not have either the moral or financial support to pursue their Graduation/Post Graduation studies. Though many of these children may not be willing or may not be qualified to pursue a higher education, hundreds of interested children do not have the resources to do so. Our Ashram wants to start a college, charging no fees but providing competitive facilities to these kids throughout the State.

If you would like to know the specifics about any project and/or would like to contribute for a specific cause, then please contact us

If you would like to donate (via cheque, credit/debit card, net banking, bank transfer etc


I, Upendra Nepali Chairman of Crivellone Social Organization Nepal , who has been managing here in Nepal The Orphanage Project also aims to provide all of the children of Nepal with the highest level of education and guidance, so they can grow to be assets to their community and so that they can compete competitively for jobs, admissions and placement upon graduation. The Orphanage Project aims to not only cater to children’s mental needs, but to provide a complete package, by catering to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the children as well.

Another goal of The Orphanage Project is to provide disabled persons with the requisite therapy, training, and care and love so they can overcome the social limitations placed on them because of their disability and achieve their goals and dreams. The Orphanage Project also aims to educate the general public about disabilities in an attempt to destroy the many myths and stereotypes about disabilities rampant in the community.

The Orphanage Project also seeks to aid outcast, battered and widowed men and women by providing them with an accepting environment, love, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual nourishment, jobs, training and the power to step into the outside world and accomplish their goals and dreams, putting their past behind them.

Yet another aim of The Orphanage Project is to provide destitute or needy elderly persons with a clean, safe, comfortable and loving environment, in which to spend their golden years in dignity.

The organization also has the goal of providing sick individuals with the highest level of love, care and medical attention available. Also, The Orphanage Project seeks to provide the terminally ill with whatever is necessary so that they may spend their last days with dignity.

The Orphanage Project aims to provide all persons with training and access to the latest technology, concepts, and ideas as well as time-tested traditions and ideas so that they can successfully compete in the global economy.

Kindly do the needful and issue all the Ids and passes required to perform these activities during official hours.

upendra Nepali
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  • The primary mission of The Orphanage Project is providing the orphaned, destitute, outcast, unloved, needy, sick, handicapped and/or dying persons, with a home, love, happiness, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nourishment, the highest level of education possible, and a hope for a bright future.

    The vision of The Orphanage Project is to one day have a self-sustaining community consisting of a children’s home, orphanage, school, university, training center, women’s shelter, elderly person’s home, place of worship, hospital, library, park, play fields, technology center, shops, and other facilities that help a community to succeed. Our vision is to one day establishing such communities all over the world.

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