
Liklik Stori Tasol Book Project

by Evelyn Jarua
Created Nov 28, 2021 | Papua New Guinea
$0 raised of $20,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
The Lilik Stori Tasol Book Project is aimed at supporting rural under resourced schools in PNG with reaading books and stationary. The project is focused on improving the quality of education in rural communities.
A country where 1/2 of its population lives in rural communities and most are illiterate, we believe that education can bring change.
The project is supported by Books4PNGKids Australia and its partners donating reading books and stationary. So far the project has supported x20 schools, 3 NGOs, 2 church groups, 2 Juvenile centers and we hope to reach more.

However logistics cost is the greatest challenge and we are reaching out to kind hearted people to support the logistics cause so we can get the books at the nearest Port in PNG to the children in remote schools of PNG.
Education is the key to bring change and your donation will help children in rural schools in PNG get learning materials on timely basis.
There are no donations
  • Through our partners the S2CP Initiative of Justice Department, Liklik Stori Tasol Book project coordinated support of 30 cartons of books from our strong donor and partner Books4PNGKids Australia to Kalo Primary school a rural school located in Hula coastline of Central Province of PNG.
    The excited students and teachers were present with villages to witness the presentation of books to their school.

  • Through partnerships arrangements more than 20 cartons of books from Books4PNGKids Australia through Liklik Stori Tasol Book project and key partners have delivered to Kido Primary school in Hiri District of Motuan coastline, Boregaina Primary school in the Inland of Rigo District, Sirinumu Primary school in the mountains of Sogeri in Central Province of PNG.??
    Also supported local NGOs and their work towards literacy and good behavior in rural communities.

  • Through the Coordination of Liklik Stori Tasol Book project, community leaders from a rural village in Okapa in Eastern Eastern Highlands Province of PNG, tracked the mountains carrying cartons of reading books to their rural school children.
    These books are supported by Books4PNGKids Australia.
    We continue to thank all parties involved for making these a memorable day for those children.
    We need your support to reach out to more rural schools in PNG with reading books.??

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