
Payment of school fees

by Victoria Ogbe
Created Nov 05, 2021 | Nigeria
$0 raised of $1,600 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hi, I'm Victoria and I'm in the university. I was supposed to graduate school in 2019 but because I was unable to pay for the courses that I was offering in my final year, I had to carry them over to 2020. Due to the global pandemic in 2020 I had to resume school in 2021 and I'm still trying to raise the money for my fees. I've been doing some makeup and digital art but progress has been very slow and sadly it seems that I might not be able to graduate this year, and I'll have to carry those same courses into next year (2022). I'm humbly appealing to everyone to support my cause and help make it possible for me to graduate. Thank you in advance for your kind donations
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