
Money needed for education

by Salih
Created Nov 03, 2021 | Bosna i Hercegovina/Bosnia and Herzegovina
$0 raised of $6,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
I need money to complete a Master's degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. My dream is to become a constructive engineer, and in order to achieve that I need money to be able to finish what I have started. I would like to thank to all of you in advance for supporting me in acheiving my goal and making my dream reality. / Potreban mi je novac za završetak Master studija na građevinskom fakultetu. Moj san je da postanem konstruktivni inžinjer, a da bi to ostvario potreban mi je novac da bi mogao završiti započeto. Hvala Vam svima koji me podržite u ostvarivanju mog sna.
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