
Solidarity initiative for self-employment

by Nsengiyumva Sebastien
Created Oct 04, 2021 | Burundi
$0 raised of $2,000,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Solidarity initiative for self-employment is a group designed to give skills jobseekers in our country in reason to reduce SGBV,avoid home conflict,avoid physical assault and other kind of SGBV in our country true skills and show them after get skills how they can do online employment true social media.
Burundi has more jobseekers and that is why Solidarity initiative for self-employment committed to trainee them in order help them get job.
In this senior we have a lot of problem because we don't have any materials can help us to achieve our goals

please,help us because we need to expand this training and make sure we end this kind of jobless.
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