
Classical Music Project 4 Township Kids

by Fano NGCOBO
Created Apr 29, 2020 | Capetown, South Africa
$0 raised of $10,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hi everyone!♥️

About Me
My name is Fano NGCOBO, from Capetown, South Africa. I am project Facilitator of the Not--for-Profit township youth-based organization called 'Township Boyz & Galz Matter Org'.

About the campaign
The campaign is raising funds in aid of getting off the ground the classical music project for township kids and youth.

What are the music benefits of project?
Classical music is known for its therapeutic value to the ear and a troubled soul. Many childrens' hospitals are using classical music as a form of therapy in their dealing with patients. The amount of discipline and focus on the part of an instrument player in this craft is always worth noticing.

Why classical music training in kids' lives?
Our kids in township setting are often bombarded with a lot of noise from the environment they are in. The household is also not a peaceful place for many of thrse kids and youth. The introduction of classical music in the early lives of kids and youth will help our kids appreciate the hard work, the serene environment, the discipline and perseverance and, mostly importantly the fostering of a music talent, which many have have it in them but needing guidance and nurturing.

So how will the campaign monies be spent?
Every cent received from this campaign will go towards the items or wishlist to enable the classical music project to take off the ground.

What are the items budgeted for and for how much?
There are, in the main, two critical items for the project.
1. Customized contained as music rooms
2. Music instruments

# Breakdown of items
√ R95 000.00 / $5 000.00 - for purchasing two 12mt steel and customized containerd to use as a music room or block and for the safe--keeping of tje kudy instruments. A reputable container conversion company will be sought to do the job♥️.

√ R95 000.00 / $5 000.00 - to go to the purchasing of the music instruments to help complete for the kids ensemble or orchestra. The following music instruments will be brought: clarinets, flutes, trombone, violas, saxophone, percussion, guitars, keyboard, bassoon, violins and so forth. A reputable music shop will be sought from which these items will be brought.

Thank you for your donation to this project cause and thank you for helping change a life of a kid and a young person.??

Warmest Regards

Project Facilitator @
Township Boyz & Galz Matter Org, CAPETOWN

whatssup: +27 727800363
website; https//
email: [email protected]

There are no donations
  • Not much is happening cause of the social distancing regulation by the government so that everyone stays safe. The kids are also with their parentd albeit the difficulties of keeping them in one place?. Please consider supporting this good cause.

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