
Support à child

by Eric
Created Jun 04, 2021 | Uganda
$0 raised of $55,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
In order to promote the right and well-being of the child, Love Uganda Foundation envisions promoting and advancing the life of disadvantaged and vulnerable Children through empowering lives and transforming communities with holistic approach in Education, Spiritual growth and Social development. We acknowledge the fact that children`s rights are key and must be respected as indicated in the Constitution of Uganda and the UN Convention on the rights of the Child. It is for that reason that in all we do, we endeavor to ensure and promote children`s rights like the rights to; education, play, a supportive environment, health care among others. All these and other ways of promoting their rights, wellbeing and general development are incorporated in our Children`s development program which is divided into the internal and external program, catering for the wellbeing of about 320 vulnerable children. All this has been possible as a result of generous donations from our partners and philanthropists. For any other kind heart that desires to support, promote and ensure the right and wellbeing of the child, you can be able to do by supporting a child through any of our programs by sponsoring their education, feeding, health and clothing. SPONSOR UGANDAN CHILD IN OUR ORPHANAGE HOME At a fee of $50 per month, child sponsorship is very possible and with such and more we are in position to create lasting impact for a child at our orphanage. With this amount we are in position to provide education, food, clothing and medical care for the children
For those interested
Contact us on :+256 726 094228
Support from foreign countries can be sent through
Sendwave on: +256 754 714015
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