
Help me in my Alternative Energy Project

by Teodato C. Masadao
Created May 13, 2021 | Marikina City, Metro-Manila, Philippines
$0 raised of $47,614 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
April 24, 2021


I. Organization
Project Team:
1. Teodato C. Masadao – Inventor/Project Manager
2. Rayburn C. Masadao – Project Supervisor & Coordinator

II. Project Title
New Alternative Energy Solution Development, Testing and Production

III. About the Project (Why am I furndraising my invention Project)
Present engines and electric power plants which power our transports, homes, commercial, industrial,
manufacturing and business establishments all depend on fossil fuel any slight price increase of which
triggers increase in prices of all basic goods and services and which actually is and has been the prime factor
for the present worldwide inflation and climate change that is why we are slowly witnessing the global shift
to alternative energy solutions. The project is intended for the development, testing and mass production of
my Power Gear Engine invention which is a new but a different type of Alternative Energy Solution which
needs funding assistance and support from philanthropists, environmentalists, proponents of cheap solutions
to the present world energy crisis and those who believe the global economic order can still be changed for
the benefit of everyone.
My Power Gear Engine (P.G.E.) invention is an alternative energy solution to the
present world energy crisis – it is a mechanical contraption which uses a small input electric power to
produce a much larger output power the prototype design of which is a Single-Stage Engine rated at 1/4HP
input power and 1.125HP output power while the Two-Stage Engine designs at 1/4HP input power each are; 1. For residential use as a 5 Kilowatt A.C. Electric Generator and
2. For automotive use as a 30 Kilowatt automotive engine (for a car, jeep, pick-up truck and SUV)
Also, this engine invention can be designed to a multistage engine, the output power of which can
reach up to 300 Megawatts and above at ¼ Horsepower input power hence the very high output power
ratings (300MW & above) is highly suitable for electric power plants with an end in view of drastically
lowering the costs of both mechanical and electric power production and distribution which shall surely result
to greatly lowering of household/residential, commercial, business and industrial electric bills as well as
greatly lowering the production costs of transport, manufacturing, industrial and commercial goods and
services when used as a mechanical power engine. The invention is a simple machine which can both be
used as a non-fuel-fired mechanical power engine as well as a primemover of an electric generator which
shall utilize a fractional amount of input power in comparison to its guaranteed very high output power either
mechanical output power or electrical output power. The working principle of the Power Gear Engine
invention is a well established engineering application but unknown or overlooked by my fellow Mechanical
Engineers and its undeniable viability as well as failsafe operation can be demonstrated by a common
everyday scene in roadways and highways where one can see truck helpers and drivers changing blownout
tires – a long pipe inserted to a wrench enables the relatively easy loosening of truck tire bolts which is not
physically possible without the long pipe leverage. Such an established fact demonstrates the capability of
my Power Gear Engine invention in producing a much higher output power in comparison to an application of
a corresponding small input power. Further, the design and engineering calculations of the invention are
based on irrefutable established mechanical engineering principles and data. If every country across the
whole world shall be manufacturing and distributing the engine invention both as a mechanical power engine
and as a primemover of electric generators the above mentioned benefits can be surely attained making the
lifestyle of even a low-salaried worker better and less financially worry free. Such can be surely attained
because the engine invention shall be powered by a small fractional horsepower D.C. motor with an
automotive battery as its power source which in turn shall be continuously replenished by an alternator or by
a backup/spare battery and the engine invention powering transport vehicles, industrial and manufacturing
machineries, business, commercial, residential and large-scale electric power plants all at a relatively very
small input power with no carbon footprint. Clearly with an end result of lowering the transportation costs,
costs of automotive and industrial vehicles, operational costs of industrial, business and commercial
establishments as well as industrial, commercial, business and residential costs of electricity ultimately
lowering the production as well as the purchase costs of goods and services with a better lifestyle for
everyone yet also saving our environment from the harmful long-term effects of fossil fuels to the
environment and global climate change.

IV. Objectives
1. To develop and fabricate the Prototype Model of a new alternative energy solution which is
environment friendly, with engineering proofs of workability, sustainable and relatively inexpensive to
produce called a Power Gear Engine (P.G.E.) invention capable of producing a very large output power
(either electrical or mechanical shaft output power) in comparison to its small input power without using
fossil fuel.
2. To apply for the Letters Patent acquisition of the Power Gear Engine invention at the local and
international Intellectual Patent Offices to ensure thereafter the mass production of the invention’s different
uses at different design output power ratings. To initially produce the 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator
and the 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine locally to help the national economy and the people particularly
those at the provinces to recover from the decades of inflation and the current decadent effect of the corona
3. To ensure the worldwide mass production and distribution of the Power Gear Engine units
described above by securing local and international joint venture contracts with private investors, business
and multinational corporations. 4. To ensure the above mentioned P.G.E. invention products for local and
worldwide distribution are produced and distributed at affordable prices within the buying means of the
general public and that the poor countries around the world are prioritized vis a vis the affluent countries of the world.

V. Project Duration
The project is scheduled to commence as soon as the proposed budget is met and made available
and is scheduled for completion after one (1) year and four (4) months.

VI. Proposed Budget = $47,613.56 (Php2,297,401.90)
1. Site acquisition, preparation and safety/security provision = $6,217.50 (Php300, 000.00)
Proposed Project Site: Within Metro-Manila, Philippines to ensure accessibility to nearby fabrication &
machine shops.
Project site cost = $4,145.00 (Php200,000.00 – inventor is a poor man without a house or a
backyard for the 1.125HP P.G.E. prototype unit, 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C.
Generator & 30KW P.G.E. Automotive engine units assembly, installation, testing
and commissioning)
P.G.E. prototype model enclosure construction, security and safety provisions = $2,072.50 (Php100,

2. Mobilization/Demobilization = $28,952.55 (Php1,396,989.40)
Temfacil – included in 1. Above
Transportation (service vehicle, fuel cost, oil and maintenance for four [4] months) = $3,465.65
(Php167, 221.00)
Service Vehicle cost = $2,872.90 (Php130, 000 – second hand)
Fuel Cost (4 months) = $87.05 (Php4, 200.00)
Lubricating oil cost (4 months) = $174.10 (Php8, 400.00)
Maintenance cost (4 months) = $331.60 (Php16, 000.00)
Utilities (4 months) = $24.45 (Php1,180.00)
Communications (4 months) = $ 497.40 (Php24,000.00)
Office supplies (4 months) = $103.65 (Php5,000.00)
Tools & equipment cost for the assembly, installation, testing & commissioning works =
$433.15 (Php20,900.00)
Labor Cost (Mechanic & Helper for the assembly, installation, testing & commissioning of
1.125HP P.G.E. Protoype model, 5KW P. G.E. Residential A.C. Generator Drive Engine &
30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine units – 3 months additional for the 5KW P.G.E. A.C.
Generator Drive Engine & 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine units) = $319.20
Fabrication Cost of 1.125HP P.G.E. Prototype Model = $432.51 (Php20, 869.00)
1. Machine components = $280.18 (Php13,519.00)
2. Engine Housing = $152.33 (Php7,350)
3. Miscellaneous engine components = included in the Tools & equipment cost above.
Fabrication Cost of 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator = $1,344.27 (Php64, 862.50)
4. Machine components = $707.62 (Php36, 015.00)
5. Engine Housing = $228.50 (Php11,025)
6. Miscellaneous engine components including electrical generator = $369.37
Fabrication Cost of 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine = $2,249.80 (Php108, 555.20)
7. Machine components = $1,563.24 (Php75,427.70)
8. Engine Housing = $152.33 (Php12,127.50)
9. Miscellaneous engine components = $435.22 (Php21, 000.00)
Cost of living allowance of Project Team (One [1] year & three[3] months to include the
acquisition stage of local & international joint venture contracts = $20,206.83 (Php974,
1. Project Manager/Inventor = $10,880.60 (Php525, 000.00)
2. Project Supervisor/Coordinator = $9,326.23 (Php450,000.00)

3. Letters Patent application (Duration: Six [6] months up to one [1] year)
a. Local IPO = $443.51 (Php21,400.00) – based on current IPOPHIL application procedure costs.
b. International IPO = $12,000.00 (579, 012.00) – estimated only not sure how much exactly
the application procedure costs.
Total = $12,443.51 (Php600, 412.00)

4. Acquisition of local Joint Venture Contracts with private investors, business & multinational corporations
for the mass production and distribution of Power Gear Engine units (5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C.
Generator & 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine) based on contract conditional requirements of
inexpensive unit price when distributed to the local market and with priority of distribution to the rural
areas and provinces (50% of production) as well as that each fundraiser contributor/donor shall be
given a product set of any of the P.G.E. Invention products of his/her choosing (either a 5KW P.G.E.
Residential A.C. Generator or a 30KW Automotive Engine).
a. Estimated value of each contract (15 years effectivity) = $26.64 M (Php1,285,400,000.00)
b. For 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator only mass production = $13.32M (Php642,
c. For 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine only mass production = $13.32M (Php642, 703,320.00)
Alternative option is the outright sale of the invention and its Letters Patent to local and foreign private
investors, business and multinational corporations for the mass production and distribution of Power
Gear Engine units (5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator & 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine) based on
contract conditional requirements of inexpensive unit price when distributed to the local market and
with priority of distribution to the rural areas and provinces (50% of production) as well as that each
fundraiser contributor/donor shall be given a product set of any of the P.G.E. Invention products of
his/her choosing (either a 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator or a 30KW Automotive Engine).

5. Acquisition of international Joint Venture Contracts with foreign private investors, business &
multinational corporations for the international mass production and distribution of Power Gear Engine
units (5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator & 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine) based on contract
conditional requirements of inexpensive unit price when distributed to each international market with
priority of distribution at 50% of products to poor countries and 50% of products to the foreign country
concerned as well as that each fundraiser contributor/donor shall be given a product set of any of the
P.G.E. Invention products of his/her choosing (either a 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator or a
30KW Automotive Engine).
a. Estimated value of each contract (15 years of effectivity) = $39.96 M (Php1,899,159,360.00)
Alternative option is the outright sale of the invention and its Letters Patent to foreign private
investors, business and multinational corporations for the mass production and distribution of Power
Gear Engine units (5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator & 30KW P.G.E. Automotive Engine) based on
conditional requirements of inexpensive unit price when distributed to the local market and with
priority of distribution at 50% of products to poor countries and 50% of products to the foreign country
as well as that each fundraiser contributor/donor shall be given a product set of any of the P.G.E.
Invention products of his/her choosing (either a 5KW P.G.E. Residential A.C. Generator or a 30KW
Automotive Engine).

1. Teodato C. Masadao – Project Manager/Inventor I am a graduate of B.S.M.E. at Saint Louis
University, Baguio City, Philippines and a Registered Mechanical Engineer with a P.R.C. License
#0037382. I have worked in several companies mostly dealing with HVAC and commercial &
residential building construction but presently looking for another job for financial reasons. I am also
a devout Roman Catholic and inventor of several alternative energy solutions each of which require
a small-input power but shall produce very large output power and are as follows;
1. Modified Compressed-air Hydro-Electric Power Plant
2. Magnetic Transmission Engine (M.T.E.)
3. Power Gear Engine (P.G.E.) and last but not the least
4. Diamond Transmission Engine (D.T.E.) all of which have verifiable engineering calculations
and undeniable failsafe mathematical proofs of workability, are non-fossil fuel alternative energy
inventions and which shall operate almost in perpetual motion because each shall require a small
input power which shall be replenished continuously from a fraction of its large energy output.

2. Rayburn C. Masadao – Project Supervisor/Project Coordinator
Elder brother of the Inventor, undergraduate in B.S. Mining Engineering course at the Mapua
Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Metro-Manila. Started work at Benguet Exploration Inc.
involving mine exploration and mining operations in 1983 as Mine Supervisor then as Mine Foreman
until 1989 also handling mineral trading. From 2005 to 2009 he worked as Exploration Manager for
Mindanao projects of Guidance Management Inc. then as Mining Operations freelancer until 2010
thereafter worked as Operations Manager of Cost Plus Consultants Inc. from 2010 to 2013 involving
mining exploration, mining operations and mineral trading. Currently out of work upon the
imposition of ban in the local mining industry.

R.M.E. P.R.C. LICENSE NO. 0037382
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  • Important reminder for contributors/donors:
    When having made a contribution or donation please inform the Administrator or Support Department to provide me a copy of your name and contact information which I need to enable me to write down your name and contact information as beneficiaries of contract conditions in any approved legal future joint venture contracts of my project as my way of saying thank you for your support.

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