

by kimbowa ivan
Created Apr 27, 2021 | UGANDA MITYANA DISTRICT
$0 raised of $300,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hi everyone am ivan from uganda am here to raise money for te chilldren who was borne like me , my mother borne me without knowing the right father of me that why i did not got any oppotunity to live a good life i grow up with my grandmother who took care of me because my mother gave brith when she was 13 years of old i grow up from apoor family but now a have got some oppotunity and got someone who gave me money and i went for acourseof electronic enegeenering that charity was by names of achildunheard in mityan uganda but the bad news is the owner is deid now but i want to take the oppotunity to get funds and help the young generation of childerns because they are the narses, doctors ,and leaders of tomorrow, we want to bulld a school , achurch, and caring center for those with disabilties .we are going to bu food, clothes, playing material, and bullding homes for those who re homeless, many young girls who get early marriage at young age and sometimes they end up died while giving birth we shall be happy when our request is not deined thanks every one may God reward everyone for your conturibution thanks kimbowa ivan uganda . [email protected] my phone number is =2560751233722 and 256078437916 for more information our account number is 3201714388 it is in names of ivan kimbowa in centnary bank uganda.
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