
Need to pay for language studies

by Dasha
Created Feb 20, 2021 | Russia, Stavropol
$0 raised of $500 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Here's a cry for help from a 16 yo Russian girl from a small city called Stavropol. I'm in 10th grade and seeing as I'm the eldest child in a family of 6, obviously I can't count on my parents to pay for my further education. I'm currently preparing to pass a B2 exam in French and a C1 exam in English, but the language learning center I go to canceled the annual contest that was my last hope. There you could win a grant (due to Covid, probably) and study for free (if you won the 1st place) or for half the price (if you're the 2nd) for a year. I would've won for sure, but they just refuse to host it, and I can't pay the full price. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. I have a therapist now and weekly session costs more than $ 30, so I'm kinda in debt. I need these certificates to apply to a university and study for free because, once again, if I don 't manage to get there for free then I'm not graduating at all. The 500 $ that i set as a limit would help me pay for the rest of the year (a month is 120 $ and I've got 4 months left if we count February) and there's still gonna be 20 $ left which would help me pay for one therapy session. So yeah, that's about it, I don't know if this will work but I'm staying hopeful.
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