

by Jaward
Created Feb 10, 2021 | Kenema
$0 raised of $5,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Children abandoned have the right to be educated. Every child deserves a better education. Build the future is a newly established school giving the right to abandoned children to achieve their goal in becoming educated, independent and belong to the society as whole.
Build the future is there to create a healthy relationship between the abandoned children and the society. Education brings awareness and a better change in the lives of people. Your support can build their future.

Children born in a home of poverty are likely to be abandoned, some find it difficult to complete secondary school especially private schools with special attention and public schools has nothing to write home. Our resources are limited for this challenge.

Education is a proven way to alleviate poverty and bring everlasting inclusion in the lives of abandoned children to the society. Build the future is there to making sure that every abandoned child is entitled to fundamental human rights and deserves to be treated with dignity. We are providing the needs of the children and the teachers as well.
Your $1 financial support is highly appreciated in order to fulfill the needs of the children. Thanks for your support.
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