
Juanes graduation dream

by Adrian
Created Jan 05, 2021 | Guatemala
$0 raised of $1,200 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Juanes is a 22 year old super hard working, caring and amazing friend, amazing son, brother, and in all person to the community. Juanes suffered a major seizure that put him in a comma for two weeks. His family used almost all their savings to pay for the medications, surgery, and hospital stay. Juanes dream is to finish college so he can help his family to make money. After recently loosing their home to the bank they now have to live in a small apartament with two rooms for 5 family members. Juanes would never ask for money but in his desperation to help his family he agreed to receive help. Our goal is to reach $1,200 to help him pay his last semester of school. We will show the receipt and all proof that the money went to the use of his education. Thank you everyone for changing the life of Juanes family.
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