
Help me to continue my studies

by MD: Hasan Rabbi
Created Oct 15, 2020 | Bangladesh
$0 raised of $1,950 goal 0.00%
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  • No deadline
Please Help me to continue my studies...

I am speaking from Bangladesh. My name is Md. Hassan Rabbi, and I am a student. I study in tenth grade.

The recent outbreak of this corona virus has caused many problems in our country. Like other countries, our Bangladesh has also been adversely affected by the corona virus. Since our country is a low-income country, our Bangladesh has suffered a little more from the outbreak of the corona virus. Because of this corona virus, no company or employment in our country is hiring any new workers. Everyone is just laying off workers. So I can't join any company or any job. And because of this I am having a hard time running the cost of my studies.

The total number of members in our family is four. We are two brothers and our father, mother. One of the earning members of our family is my father. So I tried to do some work to bring back the family's well-being but I didn't get any work. My father is a farmer. So what he earns makes it very difficult for us to meet the expenses of our family and run our education.

Terrible floods have hit our country again during this difficult time of Corona, and all the fields of our crops have been submerged and all the crops have been destroyed due to these floods. As a result, almost all sources of income for our family have been cut off. And this time it has become more difficult to cover the cost of our studies.

And this is why I am forced to ask you for help as I cannot find any other way.

Please help me. Help me with as much as you can, but help me with at least 1 $.

I am in the hope of your help .....
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