
Help me go to medical school

by Bee
Created Sep 20, 2020 | Namibia
$0 raised of $6,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
My name is Bee and I'm 18 years old. Growing up, I've always told myself that I'd never become a statistic. You know, another story about a smart kid with so much ambition and potential that doesn't make it in life, solely because they can't afford education? So, I've always made sure that I did my very best. I've given all the blood, sweat and tears that I have. Now, I'm at the point where I have to rely on good samaritans to help me reach my full potential. The point where I beg just a few good souls to please, please, please help me raise money to pay for my tuition fees. I've taken a leap of faith and applied for med school, where I was accepted into the premed course, which I find fit as I'd like to strengthen my medical foundation. Hence, I beg you all to please, please help me in raising $10500 to pay my tuition.
Thank you for reading my story and I thank you all for your assistance.
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