
Help me get back up in life.

by Marinescu Alexandru Stefan
Created Sep 08, 2020 | Romania
$0 raised of $1,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
My name is Alex, I've suffered through a heavy childhood, not as heavy as other people but it has left me with depression and suicidal tendencies. I've never finished my degree, I won't say because of that. It would be wrong to blame anything but myself. I've worked for 9 years as a Baker and now due to Covid, I have been layed off. I am trying to get my life back together, get back on my feet, by learning, developing myself, because I met a wonderful person that helped me realize I can be much more. I am learning Unity3D, and Graphic Design. Also, I am learning to share my stories, for I have as many as the stars in the skies. The problem is, I have no means of supporting myself, my parents are deceased, I have no savings, there is a reason for that which I'd be willing to explain and I am currently starving myself, dragging the days as much as I can. I will be honest, I do not want to work as a Baker again, it is a beautiful job, but very poorly regarded in my country with very little pay and a lot of unpaid overtime. I have never asked people to help me, I have been a loner all my life due to my mental issues and now i am alone, with nobody to help me. I am a very inexpensive person, I can survive with just 150 dollars a month that including my bills. But to that I have to add taxes, for living in a crumbling house. Any donation will help support me until I can star working, for once doing something I enjoy, following my passion that is creating stories, worlds, fictional life. I am at the beginning of my journey. Please help me grow my wings, before they are clipped. I would be happy if you could share about my project if you cannot donate. Even if you do not donate, thank you for taking the time to read my story. May all of you remain in good health, may all of you regain your good health. - Alexander I was thought to never ask for help. But truth is,I need it.
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