
College fee fundraising

by Siki
Created Aug 12, 2020 | Tanzania
$0 raised of $4,500 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Am Siki W. 28 years old. Am raising funds for my college fee which am been selected to join on November 1, 2020, and start training on Pharmaceutical science.

The course will be for three years, and the college fee is 3,500,000 Tsh. Which is around $ 1500 per year.

The institution is legal and registered, registration no. REG/HAS/117 known by the authority.

All the fund raised will be withdrawn and directly paid to the institution for my training fee. All the fund raised will help and support me on my Training fee, Field work practice, Hostel , and Transport. Other daily expenses my family will support me during those years.

Am kindly requesting anyone anywhere to support me and attain my dream and become a Pharmacist. Without your help and support I will never attain my dream and help my family from poverty.

May God bless you all.

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