help kid get to school
- 1 Donation
- No deadline
Micaela Libby donated $10
Good luck ?
Hello and good evening internet how are you? I hope you are well Thanks to God who made heaven and earth. Today it is with great joy that I come to you to explain this new program. but what is it. I live in an environment where there are children who have never known what it is like to go to school, who have never held a pencil to write their names, hello and spell their names, so I and some of my friends work together to help some children enter school next September. we will need a lot of help to get 50 to 100 children into school.
this is steeve he finish with his education now, want to be a lawyer because that all he really want to be in the future to help this coming generation. As, i said you don't want to have a million dollar exactly to help steeve with his dream, give what your heart desiring to help him with his study please.
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