
Help to print books against sexual abuse

by Victoria Oladiran
Created Jul 24, 2020 | NIGERIA
$0 raised of $10,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
I wrote a composite novel/ short story circle that campaigns against rape by capturing the traumatic experiences of various victims of pedphiles. The novel is titled CRYING IN THE RAIN and it is still unpublished.
I'm raising funds to publish and distribute free hard copies of my novel to as many people as I can reach.
As at June 17, 2020, Nigeria recorded 717 rape cases in 5 months. I believe awareness is important in stoping a bad culture. So I intend to start distributing free copies of my novel starting from Nigeria and hopefully to a great part of the globe.

Please donate to help achieve my mission.
For ever $2 donated, a free copy gets distributed.

You can also reach me on [email protected] if you have other ideas on how to make our societies free from rape by using my novel. Thanks.
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