
money for University beginning

by aglin
Created Jul 07, 2020 | Greece
$0 raised of $2,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Hello i know this might seem important for most of you but it means a lot for me and may change my future.
i worked and got some money to do the beginning to study abroad in england because i live in greece which is not the best place to live this years and find a decent job. i was about to go to a university in uk.
recently i got a message from a guy telling me if i give him 1500 dollars he will invest it from me and I won't need to take any study loan in england. Long story sort it my stupidity brought me to a scammer so here i am now not being able to find a job with corona virus and cant go probably this year to study in uk cause i lost my money.

its ok if someone isn't interested in helping me.
i also would appreciate a lot the people that want to help me.
thanks a lot for your time reading this. Have a nice day.

p.s. i want to study software engineering.
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