
Healthcare Services for Rural Communities

by Edge Resources Africa
Created Jul 06, 2020 | Rivers state, Nigeria
$0 raised of $18,000 goal 0.00%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
Edge Resources Africa is a resource medical establishment which majors in preventive health and health management services with operational base in Port harcourt, Rivers state.Our organization is duely registered with the corporate affaires commission of Nigeria and our mission is take health care services to the less previledge in rural communities who have little or no access to these services.As part of our mission and corporate social responsibilities,we seek donor funds to carryout the following campaigns in rural communities in Rivers State which has twenty three local government areas of which 44% of it's population of five million people are resident in rural communities.

1.The fight against malaria and typhoid fever campaign: it is without any doubt that malaria kills millions of Africans each year especially in rural communities.This campaign begins with a free health lecture on malaria and typhoid fever,their causes, symptoms and prevention measures as well as treatment of these conditions.This is followed by free medical testing for malaria and typhoid, and free administration of treatment drugs for those who tested positive.There will also be free distribution of mosquito nets to participants especially pregnant women and nursing mothers who are at greater risk.

2.The covid 19 stay safe campaign: this campaign has become very necessary especially due to the increase in community transmition of the virus in Rivers state and Nigeria at large mainly due to ignorance.This campaign will create awareness through sensitization lectures on covid 19,it's cause, symptoms and preventive measures as well as actions to take and ways of getting help if one is suspected to have contracted the virus.There will also be free distribution of face masks,soups for washing of hands, disinfectants as well as plastic containers with fitted tap for washing of hands to participants.

3.The healthy woman, healthy family camapign: this is an educative campaign designed for women especially married women with or without children.It comes with a sensitization lecture on maintaining proper hygiene in their homes as well as promoting healthy living through life style control.This campaign educates women on how to help their husbands,children and loved ones live healthy lives.

These are the campaigns we have planned for the month of August 2020, and would appreciate your Goodwill donations to reach out to those in rural communities in Rivers state and hope to expand this campaign to rural communities in other states in Nigeria with your support.
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