
Support an ambitious midwifery student!!!

by Asham Tamale
Created Apr 05, 2022 | Islamic University in Uganda
$0 raised of $1,600 goal 0.00%
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  • No deadline
Hi! My name is Asham for ANSWAR CHARITY UG & I am raising funds for this ambitious human called Habiibah Namanda a second year University Student persuing MIDWIFERY so that she can leave her dream, for her undergraduate degree. Here is Habiibah in her own words: “Hi there! I’m Habiibah Namanda and I’m a student at the Islamic University in Uganda, Female Campus, Kabojja. I am enrolled in the faculty of health science, doing Midwifery. I dream of exploring real intellectual freedom, to explore multiple fields of knowledge, to open my mind to new possibilities and where every individual is encouraged to pursue their dreams regardless of their age, gender, financial status and so on. For these, and many more reasons, I applied for a vacancy at the Islamic University in Uganda. I am thrilled that I was offered admission! When I received my offer of admission, I was absolutely elated, knowing my hard work had finally paid off. I have come to this platform because my sponsor's business has declined. Due to unforeseen circumstances and the Covid-19 pandemic, University tuition is way beyond what he can afford to pay of late. Before settling for something lesser without trying, I am turning to you - a world full of kind people who value real education and who may have money to lend - I am an extremely hard worker and I have always been a learner, someone who wishes to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can, which is why I am open about majors. I wish to explore as many options as I can at university before I make a final decision. There are many people in dire need in the world and should you choose to support them instead of helping with my truly, staggeringly expensive University tuition, I shall of course understand. But know that your loan will empower me to get the kind of education that I shall then use to help and empower others! Thank you for listening, helping, sympathizing and wishing me luck! If you do have something to spare towards my education, I shall be sincerely grateful for the rest of my life. You will be my personal hero! and i will one day engrave your name on a plaque that I will put up in my office to always remind myself that there is love and kindness in the world and that the blood and sweat of so many people went into making my journey possible. You will be helping a young girl, the first in her family, to pursue higher education. It may sound cliche and customary to say God Bless, but if you are here and have kindness and love in your heart towards fellow human beings, you are already blessed. In gratitude Habiibah Namanda Tel: +256750096463 Email: [email protected] IUIU REG-NO. 420-081071-04103
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